Navigator S/K Ken Ida

Sir Knights,

In the home stretch of our fraternal year, we begin that ever-so-fun-time called “nominations”. At our March general meeting we will begin our search for Sir Knights who will take up the call to step up into positions of leadership within our Assembly. The following positions will be open for nominations:

  • Faithful Navigator

  • Faithful Captain

  • Faithful Pilot

  • Faithful Scribe

  • Faithful Comptroller

  • Faithful Purser

  • Faithful Admiral

  • Faithful Inner Sentinel

  • Faithful Outer Sentinel

  • Faithful 3rd Year Trustee

We look forward to all of you prayerfully considering a run for office. As the Order consistently puts forth, a sign of a healthy Assembly are multiple Sir Knights running for the same office. We need to see some healthy growth from our membership in order to continue on. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or a current officer.

Vivat Jesus!

Ken Ida

Faithful Navigator